If you do not currently have a web site this does not apply to your practice. If you do have a web site, you most likely pay hosting fees to the company that houses your site (possibly the company that created it in the first place). When you set up a web site with EyeCarePro hosting is included with it. Therefore, we recommend that you contact your hosting company to cancel your web hosting contract when your new website is ready to go live with us. 

If your Hosting Company is a Registrar 

In some cases you may not need to leave the company altogether. If your hosting company is also a Registrar you can most likely downgrade from a "hosting" account to a much less expensive "email and/or domain name" management account. This will preserve your email accounts, keep your domain name where it is already being managed and reduce your ongoing expenses. In this case you will only need to point your domain to EyeCarePro in order to make your domain name work with your new site.

If your Hosting company is not a Registrar

In this case they will most likely not be willing to continue to manage your domain (and email addresses) once you cancel your hosting services with them. In this case, you must transfer your domain to an Independent Registrar. Some examples include, Hover.com, Namecheap.com, GoDaddy.com etc.  We strongly recommend that you set up both domain name and your email addresses with the Registrar if possible.

If you aren't sure - To determine which situation you are in, call your current Hosting company and speak to them about their different hosting / email / domain services. Questions to ask:

  1. If I cancel my hosting account, will you continue to manage my domain name and email addresses?
  2. If yes, what is the rate for this service?
  3. If I stay with you for domain and email management will you point my domain to the nameservers of my choice or provide me tools to allow me to do so?
  4. If no, will you transfer my domain to the Registrar of my choice?
  5. If you will not do the transfer for me, please provide me with access to the tools to do it myself (login/password as well as authorization/EPP code) and be sure to unlock my domain so it can be transferred.