• Login to your Website (ECPbuilder). 
  • Select  on the left-hand sidebar.  
  • Hover over the form you want to edit and select  
  1. - You can Drag and Drop New fields anywhere onto the form from the right-hand sidebar under the section. 

  • - You can arrange the position of the fields by hovering over the selected field,  
    hold click thethen dragging the field anywhere on the form. 

  • - You can delete a field by hovering over it and selecting  

  • - You can duplicate a field by hovering over it and selecting  

  • - You can edit a field by hovering over it and selecting  


  • Under field settings:  

  • Please enter the name of the field under  e.g. What is your address?, Choose one of the following, Reason for Appointment, as so on. This section is required. 
  • Please enter any additional information that a patient may need to fill in a field under  This section is optional. 
  • To make a field “Required” check the box in  >  
  • To edit a field with multiple choices, go to >> 
  • Enter the name of the choices in  e.g. Yes, no, Location1 Location2, Location3, and so on.  
  • You can add or remove choices by using the  buttons.  


If you have a field that has multiple choices but you want a different field to appear only if a certain choice was selected e.g. Did you address change? If yes is checked, the address form must appear. 

  • - You can do this by selecting the field you would like to reveal and navigate to  

  • - Toggle on  

  • - In the first row select  in the first drop-down and  in the second drop-down. 

  • - In the second row select the choice field e.g. Did your address change?  from the first drop-down, then select from the second drop-down, and lastly select the choice answer e.g. Yes or No  from the third drop-down. 

  • You can select  >   to copy a short code to embed your form anywhere on your website. 
  • Once you are finished with your form and copied your shortcode, select  to save your changes.