• Login to your Website (ECPbuilder). 
  • Select  on the left-hand sidebar.  
  • Hover over the form you want to edit, hover over , then select  from the dropdown menu.  
  • Hover over and select  

If you see  on the left-hand side , Please Send a ticket to support here or email support@eyecarepro.net. 


  • Enter the email address you would like the form notifications to go to under  
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click  



For notifications to multiple email addresses depending on what location was selected on the form:  


  • Login to your Website (ECPbuilder). 
  • Select  on the left-hand sidebar.  
  • Hover over the form you want to edit, hover over , then select  from the dropdown menu.  
  • Hover over and select  

If you see  on the left-hand side , Please Send a ticket to support here or email support@eyecarepro.net. 

  • Select  Two tables will appear.  
  • Enter Location 1 email address in the first  box. 
  • Select the form field (Choose a Location) in the box. 
  • Select  in the second box.  
  • Then select Location 1 in the third box.  
  • Repeat on the second row for Location 2  
  • Add or remove rows by selecting one of the two buttons at the end of the row  
  • Make sure the  is notifications@ecpbuilder.com. 
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click