In order to have Campaigns post to your Instagram, you will need to first connect your Instagram account to your Facebook page. Here are the instructions. 

Step 1: Open Facebook and Go to Your Page

  • Open Facebook on your desktop or mobile app.
  • Navigate to your Facebook Business Page by selecting it from the left-hand menu or searching for it in the search bar.

Step 2: Access Page Settings

  • On your Facebook Business Page, click on the Settings option located in the left-hand menu.

Step 3: Find Instagram Section

  • In the Settings menu, search and click on Instagram

Step 4: Connect Instagram Account

  • Click on "View" next to Instagram.

  • In the Instagram section, click on the Connect Account button.

  • A new window will pop up asking you to log in to your Instagram account.

Step 5: Log in to Instagram

  • You will be prompted to log into your Instagram 

Step 6: Authorize Connection

  • After logging in, you'll be asked to authorize the connection between your Instagram and Facebook Business pages.
  • Click Authorize to complete the process.

Step 7: Confirm Connection

  • Once authorized, your Instagram Business account will be linked to your Facebook Business Page.
  • You will see your Instagram account details displayed in the Instagram section of your Facebook Page settings.

Additional Tips

  • Ensure that you have admin access to the Facebook Business Page to connect it to Instagram.
  • If you encounter any issues, make sure both the Facebook and Instagram apps are updated to the latest versions.

Managing Your Connected Accounts

  • Once connected, you can manage your Instagram interactions directly from your Facebook Page settings.
  • You can also access insights and promote Instagram posts from your Facebook Page.

This document should help you seamlessly connect your Facebook Business page to your Instagram Business page. If you need further assistance, you can refer to the official Instagram Help Center for more details.