-Stay top of mind for your patients

-Communicate important or interesting information to a wide audience

Add a Post


  1. Go to "Social Posts" in your GetSetPro dashboard.
  2. Option 1 - Select  to create a new post
  3. Option 2 - Select an existing post from the calendar
  4. Add/Edit your post's title
  5. Select the type of post
  6. Select  on social media platforms to post to
  7. Optional - Customize where the post links to
  8. Choose to post now or schedule for later
  9. Optional - Set the scheduled date and time for your post (Times are in EST)
  10. Enter your post content
  11. Optional - Upload post image or video
  12. Select or  when done

Delete a Post

  1. Select the post you want to delete from the calendar
  2. Select