
  • Test
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam lacus urna, semper nonummy, venenatis in, lacinia sit amet, mauris. Nulla ligula pede, viverra id, imperdiet a, convallis vitae, nisi.
  1. Keeps your practice top of mind
  2. Communicates important updates
  3. Simplifies posting with scheduling and multi-location options

Add a Post

  1. Go to "Social Posts" in your GetSetPro dashboard.
  2. Select  to create a new post
  3. Add/Edit your post's title
  4. Select the type of post
  5. Multiple Locations - Select the dropdown menu under to choose which locations to apply this post to
  6. Select  on social media platforms to post to
  7. Optional - customize where the post links to
  8. Choose to post now or schedule for later
  9. Optional - Set the scheduled date and time for your post (Times are in EST)
  10. Enter your post content
  11. Optional - Upload post image or video
  12. Select  when done

Edit a Post Before Scheduled Post Date

  1. Go to "Social Posts" in your GetSetPro dashboard.
  2. Select a post from the calendar
  3. Edit your post's title
  4. Select the type of post
  5. Multiple Locations - Select the dropdown menu under to choose which locations to apply this post to
  6. Select  on social media platforms to post to
  7. Optional - Customize where the post links to
  8. Set the scheduled date and time for your post (Times are in EST)
  9. Enter/Edit your post content
  10. Optional - Upload an image or video by selecting in the section
  11. Optional Replace a pre-existing image by selecting
  12. Optional Delete a pre-existing image by selecting
  13. Select  when done

Edit a Post After Scheduled Post Date

  1. Go to "Social Posts" in your GetSetPro dashboard.
  2. Select a post from the calendar
  3. Select the type of post
  4. Multiple Locations - Select the dropdown menu under to choose which locations to apply this post to
  5. Select  on social media platforms to post to
  6. Enter/Edit your post content
  7. Optional - Upload an image or video by selecting in the section
  8. Optional - Replace a pre-existing image by selecting
  9. Optional - Delete a pre-existing image by selecting
  10. Select  when done

Delete a Post

  1. Select the post you want to delete from the calendar
  2. Select