
  1. Allows patients to see available times and book directly online
  2. Integrates with: Eyefinity Cloud, Eyefinity Officemate, Revolution EHR, Compulink, Uprise, Crystal, OD Office Pro, Optomate Touch, and Foxfire.

Confirm or Reject Appointment Requests

  1. Select the appointment to view details
  2. Selector to update the request status and notify the patient
  3. Optional: Select or to undo
  4. Optional: Selectto delete the appointment request
  5. Optional: Select to add internal notes about the request

Find an Appointment Request

  • Optional: Selectto filter the requests by status
  • Optional: Select  to search by patient name (add in other search parameters)

Restore Trashed Appointment Requests

  1. Select the  status
  2. Select